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Contact Us The Old Fashioned Way - Send Us A Postcard

Posted by Stephen O'Hare, President of Pedors Shoes on Aug 10, 2014

It seems for kids these days it’s “like” all about constant contact; being permanently in contact with the outside world. They are being force fed an information stream that shapes how they live their lives and dictates what they do and shapes the decisions they make.It used to be that you’d onl …
What is a Physiatrist?  Where do I find one?

What is a Physiatrist? Where do I find one?

Posted by Stephen O'Hare, President of Pedors Shoes on Aug 05, 2014

It’s something you grow up taking for granted – mobility. You’ll remember how as a kid every day you’d jump out of bed and go about your day without giving it a second thought. As I watched my nine year old skip down the hallway to her room to get ready for her tumbling class, it made me think o …
Back To School Shopping

Back To School Shopping

Posted by Stephen O'Hare, President of Pedors Shoes on Aug 04, 2014

Tis The Reason For The Season - Back To School ShoppingIf you live in Cherokee County in the suburbs of Atlanta GA, yesterday was the first day back at school. The county takes the prize for sending their kids back to school for the fall semester before anyone else in the nation. Yep, it’s cr …
You choose the shoes - don't let the shoes woo you!

You choose the shoes - don't let the shoes woo you!

Posted by Stephen O'Hare, President of Pedors Shoes on Aug 01, 2014

“But why do orthopedic shoes have to be so ugly? Why doesn't someone make an attractive orthopedic shoe? I’m sure if they did, well…. they’d clean-up!”Without realizing it the wife of one of the attendees at the Medtrade show had perfectly framed the quest for the holy grail of the …

Am I Obese? Or am I just a bit overweight?

Posted by Stephen O'Hare, President of Pedors Shoes on Jul 31, 2014

It’s a word that we hear every time there’s a report on healthcare in America. If you’re like me, you would probably agree that you could do with losing a couple of pounds, but you wouldn't ever consider yourself obese. The word connotes images of the vastly overweight who struggle to …
What are orthotics?  Are they different from inserts?

What are orthotics? Are they different from inserts?

Posted by Stephen O'Hare, President of Pedors Shoes on Jul 29, 2014

Orthosis, orthoses, or orthotic?Terminology can often add to the confusion of a subject. Words used in different settings can mean very different things. Words mispronounced can lead to completely new words which then take on a life of their own. Google, somewhat inadvertently, or perhaps adve …